Scalable solutions

From few concurrent  users to many thousands, our client/server desktop applications are on-line.

The CLOUD based web applications are highly scalable based on modern Service Oriented Architecture.


All services are secured using high industry standards.

encrypted object storage
stateless token authorization (JWT)


User interfaces (UI) are intuitive, simple, easy to use. All one click near.

Used technology should be simple, all complex things are behind the scene.

Cloud Web App's

Web Drive

Simple WEB interface to store and access files:
- secure access / object storage
- send files as link in email

more information here

Web Builder

Build mobile ready web-sites as fast as possible, create and publish in seconds.

more information here
CLOUD hosting platform

Web Mail

Available from September 2017 - as beta version.
Modern Web Mail interfaces that allow Inbox/Sent views open and filter at the same time saving your precious time.

more information here


Write blog or documentation web-sites as easy as possible.

Add a blog page to your website using our web builder in one easy step.

Responsive WebSites.

FREE web builder that help create mobile ready web-sites.

Build your own website in minutes without coding knowledges.

Based on:
- Bootstrap
- Javascript

WebDo web builder uses WYSIWYG interfaces to create and publish web pages with few clicks. Hundreds designer made page blocks are available to allow fast page creation.

Mobile Ready

Responsive design



Service Oriented Architecture, our CLOUD platform use RESTful web services allowing a fast scalable system.
The chosen architecture model allows a better distribution of task over a large number of servers and that translates to faster responses to your web software.

WEB Security

Implemented web services are secured using SSL and web tokens JWT being free from web session.
All web services are protected by firewalls, the web access is balanced to cover all available resources and anti-DDOS attack protection is in place.
The implemented methods are fast and ready to secure each API access.

Technical support is related to provided solution and service agreement level.

Phone call support is available for AGENDA CRM.

Basic help tickets application is used to offer technical support.

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Get in Touch

Q-bis Consult S.R.L.
Calea 13 Septembrie,nr. 75-79, bl. 73-75, fl. 6, ap. 41
Bucharest, Romania


General Enquiries:

Sales Department:

Marketing Department:

Technical Support:

A software development company from 2003.

WebDo facebook web page

development of PSG-SDK
A client/server N-tier architecture software development platform

Q-bis Consult SRL is a member of ARIES

Asociatia Romana pentru Industria Electronica si Software

 Copyright Q-bis Consult - 2017

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